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Our Story

Long, long time ago (and by that we mean around 2016) two friends came up with an idea to start selling online beer boxes with different beers inside. In each box there would be 8 different beers, from at least 6 different countries and at least 4 different beer styles. That would give customers the option to experiment with different styles, flavors, countries etc. They could also subscribe and get a box of beer delivered to their address each month.  

Big ideas are usually small ideas that nobody killed too soon. So this idea was obviously good. In the first two weeks 104 beer boxes were sold. Then more of them followed. Then local beer brewers came to us and offered us partnership. Of course that gave us access to A LOT of beer (which we liked) and the next step was to developm our own beer brand – Male Ale. It is still produced in close cooperation with some of the best local breweries. They do what they do best – brew the beer. We do what we do best – sell it.    

Fast forward to 2020 and our customers asked us to add some new items to the beer box – like bottle openers, t-shirts and other accessories. This is when BeerAddicted was born. We realized that there are many people all around the world who like beer and they want to show to everybody their passion about it. So we started thinking what kind of products we can offer them, with two main shortlist criteria: 1) whenever possible to use natural materials or ingredients and 2) to provide excellent quality no matter the price. 

Well, if you read this you already see the result – and we hope you will like it! You can find many different products related to beer at BeerAddicted.com. And if you don’t find something, just drop us a line at thirsty@beeraddicted.com with an idea. If it is nice we will do our best to develop the product, find a skilled and trusted manufacturer for it and have it available on our website shortly after!

So check out our limited edition items and enjoy them! Also, don’t forget to join our newsletter so that you always stay in touch with the news about our beer-related products or special events we organize in your country!

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